Tag Archives: cream

Boulettes épicées en bouillon

Succulent spicy meatballs served in broth with cream and topped with fresh dill — now that’s what I call comfort food with a capital C, except that this dish is light, not heavy. I first made it on a winter’s … Continue reading

Posted in 7. Meat Dishes | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments


Flamiche is a savory tart from Picardie made of leeks and cream encased in puff pastry. This is comfort food at its finest, perfect for cool days or nights as we wait for spring. Flamiche can stand on its own … Continue reading

Posted in 4a. Savory Tarts and Tartines | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Concombres à la crème

Simple starters are having a moment in Paris, and today I am featuring one of my favorites, cucumbers in cream. This tasty dish may be enhanced with the herb of your choice – cilantro, dill, chives or chervil – and … Continue reading

Posted in 1. Starters | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Steak au poivre

A dish that can bring down the house — literally — is steak au poivre, the classic French bistro offering of tender beef crusted with cracked black pepper and topped with a cognac-cream sauce. When I embarked on this recipe, … Continue reading

Posted in 7. Meat Dishes | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Penne au safran, roquette et noix

Is it alchemy? Is it art? Each of the four main ingredients in this knock-out dish — saffron, arugula, walnuts and parmesan — has so much personality that one could easily imagine it knocking out the other three. And yet, … Continue reading

Posted in 9. Pasta, Rice, Grains | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Saumon grillé, crème d’aneth

A popular dish in Paris bistros these days is saumon à l’aneth — salmon with a sauce of cream and fresh dill. The salmon is generally served steamed or poached. In this version, the salmon is instead pan-seared for a … Continue reading

Posted in 5. Fish and Shellfish | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Potage lyonnais

It’s pumpkin season — and as we head from Halloween to Thanksgiving, what could be better than a French pumpkin soup? Not just any kind, but pumpkin soup from Lyon, the heart of French gastronomy. The ingredients read like a … Continue reading

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Tarte fine aux poireaux et lardons

This fine-crust savory tart with leeks and bacon is what you might call French ‘pizza.’ It is a relative of the more commonly seen flammekueche from Alsace, in which bacon and finely sliced onions are placed on thin dough covered … Continue reading

Posted in 4a. Savory Tarts and Tartines | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


This is one of those knock-your-socks-off openings to a meal that will have your guests begging for the recipe. I served it on two occasions in the past couple of weeks and both friends said it was so delic… (oops, … Continue reading

Posted in 1. Starters | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Fraises et framboises à la crème

At last it’s strawberry season! The Paris markets are overflowing with red ripe berries. First came the large and rather flavorless strawberries trucked up from Spain, and now the homegrown gariguettes, a highly prized French variety that’s bursting with sweet … Continue reading

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