Acras de morue / Spicy cod fritters
Anchoïade / Anchovy-garlic dip
Artichauts vinaigrette / Artichokes with mustard vinaigrette
Asperges à la sauce hollandaise / Asparagus with hollandaise sauce
Asperges au parmesan / Asparagus with parmesan
Asperges blanches / White asparagus
Assiette de canard et melon / Duck and melon plate
Assiette de crudités / French vegetable plate
Assiette d’huîtres / Oyster plate
Aubergines farcies aux noix / Eggplant with walnut sauce
Avocat au saumon fumé / Avocado with smoked salmon
Blini / Blini
Cake apéritif aux olives, lardons et pistaches / Savory cake with olives, bacon and pistachios
Cake au roquefort et aux noix / Walnut-roquefort savory cake
Caviar d’aubergine épicé / Spicy eggplant caviar
Céléri rémoulade / Celeriac remoulade
Champignons à la crème et au cerfeuil / Mushroom salad with cream and herbs
Concombres à la crème / Cucumbers in cream
Crevettes mayonnaise / Shrimp with homemade mayonnaise
Croustillants au chèvre-romarin-miel / Crisp goat cheese pastries with rosemary and honey
Foie gras / Foie gras
Fondue savoyarde / Cheese fondue
Fromage blanc aux herbes / Fromage blanc with herbs
Gougères / Apéritif cheese puffs, Burgundy style
Harengs pommes à l’huile / Smoked herring with potatoes and beets
Hoummous au basilic / Basil hummus
Huîtres gratinées aux épinards / Oysters gratineed with spinach
Jambon de pays aux figues / Cured country ham with fresh figs
Mouclade / Spicy mussels in cream
Oeufs durs mayonnaise / Hard-boiled eggs with French mayonnaise
Oeufs mimosa / Eggs ‘Mimosa’
Pâté de foies de volaille au cassis / Chicken liver pâté with cassis
Piste de moules à la sétoise / Spicy cocktail mussels
Poêlee de champignons des bois / Wild mushrooms with herbs
Poireaux sauce verte / Warm young leeks with a green herbal sauce
Poireaux vinaigrette / Leeks in vinaigrette sauce
Purée de fèves epicée / Tangy fava spread
Purée de haricots blancs / Mediterranean-style white bean dip
Radis au beurre / Radishes with butter and salt
Rémoulade de crabe au céleri / Curried crab remoulade
Rouleaux de printemps / Fresh spring rolls
Salade de carottes à la marocaine / Spicy carrot salad, Moroccan style
Salade de pois chiches au cumin / Chick pea salad with cumin and dill
Salade de tomates aux herbes / Herbal tomato salad
Saumon mariné à la russe / Gravalax, French-Russian style
Tapenade / Black olive spread from Provence
Tarama / Tarama
Terrine de saumon / Salmon terrine
Tuiles au parmesan / Parmesan apéritif chips
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I love french food ! And i love to start a French meal with canapés . Please could you add canapés to your wonderful list of recipes ? Merci !
Hi Louise and thanks for writing in. There are actually quite a few recipes already on this list that you could serve as canapés. For example, you could cut a baguette into rounds, toast them and top with tapenade, basil hummus, foie gras, tarama or small pieces of gravalax. There are also two savory cakes on the list — one with olives, bacon and pistachios, and the other with walnuts and roquefort. If you make one of these cakes in advance and allow it to cool down, you can slice it and cut the slices into cubes to serve as canapés. You could also make bite-sized gougères (cheese-flavored cream puffs). If you had something more specific in mind, please let me know! Cheers, Meg
Thank you !
You are very welcome!
My wife and I are looking to do something new and interesting at home. We stumbled across your blog a few minutes ago and from today onwards we will be learning and putting to use your French recipes.
Words of advice are always welcome.
Will keep you posted on the results!!!
All the best!
Hello and welcome to The Everyday French Chef. Delighted to have you aboard!