Tag Archives: dill

Boulettes épicées en bouillon

Succulent spicy meatballs served in broth with cream and topped with fresh dill — now that’s what I call comfort food with a capital C, except that this dish is light, not heavy. I first made it on a winter’s … Continue reading

Posted in 7. Meat Dishes | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Pita aux crevettes

This open-face pita sandwich with shrimp in curried mayo set on a bed of bacon and arugula and topped with fresh dill is an example of why I have often thought this site should be renamed ‘Meg Has Lunch’. Like … Continue reading

Posted in 4a. Savory Tarts and Tartines | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Saumon grillé, crème d’aneth

A popular dish in Paris bistros these days is saumon à l’aneth — salmon with a sauce of cream and fresh dill. The salmon is generally served steamed or poached. In this version, the salmon is instead pan-seared for a … Continue reading

Posted in 5. Fish and Shellfish | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Salade de pois chiches au cumin

Okay, all you naysayers. It’s really summer now. I’m in Burgundy, where my garden is abundant with beautiful fruit. The cherries are ripening, and there are plenty of raspberries and red currants. And black currants, too — cassis in French … Continue reading

Posted in 1. Starters | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Soupe de concombre aux herbes

Here’s a summer soup that’s cool as a cucumber, with a little spice for heat and lots of fresh herbs. I chose parsley, cilantro and dill, but variations are endless. Try it with mint or basil, or both. You can … Continue reading

Posted in 2. Soups | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments