There is something almost magical in the way that distinct ingredients may be transformed into a beautiful sauce, and the French are the world leaders in this department. Ever since medieval times, sauces have played a major role in French cooking: they are the crowning glory of French cuisine.
Some — mustard vinaigrette, pistou or mayonnaise, once you get the hang of it — may be used any day of the week. Others — beurre blanc or hollandaise, for example — are for special occasions. Once you have mastered them, variations are infinite and creativity a pleasure.
Aïoli / Garlic mayonnaise
Mayonnaise / Homemade mayonnaise
Pistou / French basil sauce
Rouille / Mayonnaise with garlic and saffron
Sauce au tahina / Tahini sauce
Sauce au vinaigre balsamique / Balsamic vinaigrette sauce
Sauce chien / French Caribbean salsa
Sauce citron-huile d’olive / Lemon-olive oil sauce
Sauce tartare / French tartar sauce
Sauce vierge / French salsa
Sauce vinaigrette à la moutarde / Mustard vinaigrette
Beurre blanc / Creamy butter sauce
Sauce béarnaise / Bearnaise sauce
Sauce Béchamel / Béchamel sauce
Sauce citronnée / Creamy lemon sauce
Sauce hollandaise / Hollandaise sauce
Sauce Mornay / Mornay sauce