Parmesan chicken
This very simple recipe may be prepared in a matter of minutes. Boned chicken breasts are patted with grated parmesan, fried in a little olive oil and voilà — dinner is ready.
For best results, use free-range or organic chicken and grate the parmesan yourself, using the small shredder holes of your grater (and not the tiny puncture holes).
Serve the chicken accompanied by the veggie, salad or pasta of your choice. I often serve it with tiny pasta, such as orzo, with olive oil and snipped fresh basil. A risotto, such as spinach risotto, would also marry brilliantly.
The quantities below will serve 2 people.
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (blancs de poulet)
2 ounces (50 g) parmesan
2 tbsp. olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Dry off the chicken breasts, lay them on a board and flatten them with your hands — unless they are very thick, in which case open them up (butterfly them) by slicing through them horizontally almost but not quite all the way through.
Grate the parmesan. You will need about 2 tbsp. grated cheese per person.
Spread the parmesan over a large flat plate. Dip each breast into the parmesan to coat both sides, patting the grated cheese onto the chicken. Repeat if necessary to coat well. Sprinkle the chicken lightly with salt — not too much, as the parmesan is already salty — and grind on some black pepper.
Heat the olive oil to sizzling in a non-stick skillet. Cook the chicken breasts until golden, about 5 minutes per side.
Serve piping hot with the side dish of your choice and a bottle of red. Serves 2.