Pasta, Rice, Grains

Boulgour aux oignons rouges / Bulghur with red onion and mint
Fusilli aux courgettes / Fusilli with zucchini
Gnocchis à la sauge / Gnocchi with fresh sage
Gnocchi au four sauce tomate / Baked gnocchi with rustic tomato sauce
Gratin de tortiglioni aux lardons / Pasta gratin with bacon and thyme
Orecchiette aux petits pois et jambon de pays / Pasta with peas and country ham
Paëlla poulet, chorizo, moules et gambas / Paella with chicken, chorizo, mussels and shrimp
Pâtes aux moules et pecorino / Pasta with mussels and pecorino
Pâtes aux tomates fraîches, mozzarella et basilic /Pasta with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella and basil
Penne à l’arrabiata / ‘Enraged’ penne (in spicy sauce)
Penne au potiron et aux noix / Penne with pumpkin and walnuts
Penne au safran, roquette et noix / Penne with saffron, arugula and walnuts
Polenta au parmesan et romarin / Polenta with parmesan and rosemary
Raviolis à la sauge / Cheese pasta with sage
Rigatoni gorgonzola noix / Rigatoni with gorgonzola and walnuts
Risotto à la trévise / Risotto with radicchio
Risotto au potiron et au thym / Pumpkin risotto with thyme
Risotto au safran / Saffron risotto
Risotto aux asperges et petits pois / Risotto with asparagus and fresh peas
Risotto aux champignons sauvages / Wild mushroom risotto
Risotto aux épinards / Spinach risotto
Risotto aux morilles / Risotto with morel mushrooms
Risotto aux petits pois et à la menthe / Risotto with peas and fresh mint
Risotto de langouste / Lobster risotto
Riz sauvage / Wild rice
Salade aux grains, sauce sésame / Mixed-grain salad with sesame sauce
Spaghettis à l’ail et huile d’olive / Spaghetti with garlic and olive oil
Spaghettis aux coques / Spaghetti with small clams
Storzapretti / Corsican dumplings in tomato sauce
Tagliatelles aux girolles / Tagliatelle with chanterelles
Torsades au pistou / Summer pasta with French basil sauce

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