Champignons à la crème et au cerfeuil

champignons cerfeuil4

Mushroom salad with cream and herbs

I’ve enjoyed this starter so many times at the Paris bistro Le Hangar  that I finally decided to try to replicate it. With success, I’d say, as the recipe below produces a dish very like the restaurant’s version. This salad is good in any season, but best – in my view – in the winter months. If chervil is not available, either dill or cilantro would make a fine substitute.

1/2 pound (250 g.) white cultivated mushrooms
3/4 cup (20 cl) crème fraîche or sour cream
1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 tsp. salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp. fresh chervil, dill or cilantro, finely chopped, and several sprigs

Slice off the bottoms of the mushroom stems. Wash the mushrooms under running water and spin dry in your salad spinner. Slice thinly.

In a bowl, combine the cream and lemon juice. Add the sliced mushrooms. Stir gently. Add the salt and grind in some black pepper. Stir again. Add the chopped chervil and stir once more. Taste and adjust the seasonings as necessary.

Serve on individual plates, each decorated with a small sprig of chervil. Serves 4.

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