
mayonnaiseSauces, stocks, pastry and grains: These are the basic recipes that every aspiring French chef needs to know, for they appear again and again in French cuisine.

Once you have mastered the basics, you will be amazed at what you can do with these recipes, which are both simple and authentic.


Aïoli / Garlic mayonnaise
Beurre blanc / Creamy butter sauce
Mayonnaise / Homemade mayonnaise
/ French basil sauce
Rouille / Mayonnaise with garlic and saffron
Sauce au tahina / Tahini sauce
Sauce au vinaigre balsamique / Balsamic vinaigrette sauce
Sauce béarnaise / Béarnaise sauce
Sauce Béchamel / Béchamel sauce
Sauce citron-huile d’olive / Lemon-olive oil sauce
Sauce hollandaise / Hollandaise sauce
Sauce Mornay / Mornay sauce
Sauce vierge / French salsa
Sauce vinaigrette à la moutarde / Mustard vinaigrette sauce


Bouillon de boeuf / Beef broth
Bouillon de légumes / Vegetable broth
Bouillon de poule / Chicken broth


Pâte à choux / Cream puffs
Pâte brisée / Savory pie crust
Pâte sablée / Sweet pie crust


Boulgour / Bulghur
Couscous / Couscous
Riz sauvage / Wild rice

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