Tag Archives: tomatoes

Poisson brésilien au lait de coco

This dish of fish in a tomato-coconut-lime sauce hails from Brazil, where it is known as moqueca. I discovered it at the home of a friend in the English countryside, and found it so wonderful that I had to share … Continue reading

Posted in 5. Fish and Shellfish | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Salade niçoise

Salade niçoise is a dish so evocative that you can probably remember where you were when you first tasted one. In my case, it was in … Nice, where I spent three weeks digging for pre-Neanderthal man as a student … Continue reading

Posted in 3. Salads | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Pâtes aux tomates fraîches, mozzarella et basilic

On a very hot day in Sicily many years ago, I wandered into the kitchen and found my friend Gisella chopping tomatoes into a large bowl. I sat and watched as she smothered the tomatoes in basil, chopped in some … Continue reading

Posted in 9. Pasta, Rice, Grains | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Petits farcis

One of my favorite dishes from Provence is petits farcis — small pieces of zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes stuffed with tiny herb-flavored meatballs. Sweet red peppers are often included, but it’s more difficult to get the shape right. When midsummer … Continue reading

Posted in 7. Meat Dishes | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tomates provençales

There are many approaches to this classic dish from Provence — the slow way on the stove-top, the quicker way in the oven, with or without breadcrumbs, with thyme instead of parsley, etc. For the purposes of an everyday French … Continue reading

Posted in 8. Vegetables | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Jambon de pays aux figues, salade tomates-mozzarella-basilic

It’s been rather warm in Paris recently so when my friend Martine stopped by à l’improviste for dinner last night I opted for a couple of starters — proscuitto with fresh figs and tomatoes with mozzarella. Okay, purists might say … Continue reading

Posted in 1. Starters, 3. Salads | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments