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Tag Archives: poires
Tarte roquefort-poires
A savory tart made with pears and Roquefort cheese can be a lovely start to a meal, and with pears now in season this is a perfect time to try it. The tart is best if you make the crust … Continue reading
Posted in 4a. Savory Tarts and Tartines
Tagged pears, poires, recette, recipe, roquefort, savory tart
Poires au parmesan en salade
Fruit became a major issue this summer down in Burgundy, where a great year for fruit of all kinds — cherries, plums, apples and pears — turned my garden into a paradise for fruit-loving wildlife of the alarming variety (more … Continue reading
Poires au vin et cassis
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, my favorite winter dessert — pears gently poached in red wine with crème de cassis, rosemary, vanilla, black peppercorns, or other spices. It’s light, it’s bright, it’s meltingly tender. Like (we hope) like the … Continue reading
Perdreaux aux poires
This could be the start of something big. This year, as an idea for your Christmas dinner, I give you a partridge in a pear tree. Well, to be more specific, roast partridge surrounded by succulent sautéed pear slices on … Continue reading
Posted in 6. Poultry
Tagged celeriac, celeriac purée, Christmas, partridge, pears, perdreaux, poires, purée de céleri rave, recipe, riz sauvage, wild rice
Poires au caramel
Today is the first day of the second year of The Everyday French Chef. Yes, my friends, it’s our first anniversary. When I started this adventure on Sept. 10, 2012, I had no idea how long it would last. But … Continue reading
Salade d’hiver aux poires et aux noix
Take a couple handfuls of mixed winter greens, add bits of pear and walnut, spritz on some lemon juice, add olive oil, salt and pepper, et voilà — a zesty winter salad that takes no more than five minutes to … Continue reading
Posted in 3. Salads
Tagged noix, pear, poires, recipe, salade, walnuts, winter salad
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Clafoutis aux poires
The beauty of the clafoutis is that it is so easy to make. An unpretentious French dessert, it is typically prepared in the spring, with cherries. But why wait half a year to enjoy it? In this late-summer version, pears … Continue reading