Salade verte à la française

salade verte3I’ve been wanting to post this recipe for ages but put it off, daunted by what I expect could be the reaction of many. What’s so special about green salad, I hear you saying. Ah yes, mes amis, but this is not just any green salad. This is the quintessential French salad that used to be available in any bistro, on any family table. That was before the advent of the dreaded sauce blanche, the bottled dressing used by so many French cafés and restaurants these days. No, a classic French green salad is made with mustard vinaigrette over lettuce — with perhaps a little shallot, garlic or parsley — and that’s it.

Salade verte à la française / Green salad, French style

It’s so easy, and so quick, that I wanted to include it, all the more so because it is served so often during French meals, usually after the main course and before or with the cheese. The vinaigrette can be made in two minutes. If you haven’t yet explored the videos on this site, now’s your chance — click on How To, either here or on the black bar above, and then click on Mustard Vinaigrette, where you’ll see me demonstrating how to make this most classic of French dressings. Meantime, if you’re looking to do some cooking over the weekend, check out the Menus section, which has just been updated with separate new pages for vegans, vegetarians and omnivores and the latest spring recipes from the blog.

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