Poulet au pastis

provencal chicken 2Take a trip to Provence with this intensely aromatic dish of chicken with tomatoes, fennel, thyme and especially garlic and pastis, the anise-flavored apéritif of southern France. Just the aromas emanating from the kitchen conjure up fields of lavendar and sunny days by the sea. Also known as bouillabaisse de poulet, it is a crowd-pleaser for all seasons — but I prefer to make it in summer, when the weather matches the heat of the cayenne pepper in the sauce. Just last week it was a hit at a going-away dinner for a dear friend…

Poulet au pastis / Provençal chicken with garlic and pastis

What makes this earthy dish really special is the saffron-flavored sauce known as rouille that is served alongside. Like it’s cousin aïoli, rouille is a garlic mayonnaise — but its spices set it apart. It takes some time to prepare, but is well worth the effort.

Site news: Due to technical issues beyond my control (I’ve lost my countryside Internet connection, and am writing this post at the home of kind friends), The Everyday French Chef will be on vacation next week. If by some miracle the French phone company gets the connection working again, I may surprise you with a recipe. Otherwise I will be back on Tuesday, July 23. In the meantime, happy cooking!

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