Soupe au potiron

soupe potiron1When the days grow shorter and the nights brisker, one’s thoughts might turn to soup. And not just any soup — a thick, warming kind, like this pumpkin soup. It is both spicy and light, with just a touch of cream. A dash of cumin and squeeze of lemon add an edge to the natural sweetness of the pumpkin. You may prepare this soup using water or homemade broth. It takes just 10-15 minutes, not counting the cooking time (during which you may prepare the rest of the meal, or read a book or some such).

Soupe au potiron / Pumpkin soup

If you don’t have vegetable or chicken broth on hand, begin by making it. The broth recipes are included in today’s soup recipe, and also appear on the site separately in a new category called Basics. Over the next few weeks I will begin adding the main sauces used in French cooking to this category, from salad dressings like mustard vinaigrette to mayonnaise, hollandaise and beurre blanc. Dessert basics like pâte sucrée (sweet pie crust) and meringues will also be appearing in this category. Happy cooking!

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