Pommes de terre au romarin

rosemary potatoes2Potatoes roasted with rosemary and olive oil — nothing so melt-in-the-mouth delicious could be as simple to make. Preparation time is five minutes or less, although you do need to be around for the next hour or so while your potatoes turn a golden brown, their aroma drawing everyone in the house into your kitchen. Fend them off with promises of things to come, for these potatoes marry well with so many other dishes — roast chicken, pan-seared fish, an omelet or simply a green salad.

Pommes de terre au romarin / Roasted rosemary potatoes

Site news: Today I launch The Everyday French Chef on Facebook. Simply click on the Facebook button above to go to the page. Here you will find new features including an Events section, the first event being a soufflé demonstration in my Paris kitchen on Nov. 6. If you happen to be in Paris, please sign up — space is limited, but the demonstration is free. The Facebook page is a place for readers to interact with me and each other, for example by suggesting recipes to include on this site, or by sharing your own culinary tips. If you are enjoying The Everyday French Chef, please share the new page with your Facebook friends. Your support means a lot to me! — Meg Bortin

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2 Responses to Pommes de terre au romarin

  1. Ann Mah says:

    How fun, a soufflé demo! Wish I could be there, Meg, but look forward to reading all about it!

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