Rosemary grows wild in the hills of southern France, the kind of hills where shepherds still accompany their sheep in a constant search for green pastures. Maybe this is why the flavors of rosemary and lamb marry so well. Whether cooking for one, two or a crowd, this recipe is quick and ultra easy to prepare. One suggestion would be to serve the lamb with a purée of carrots — also easy to prepare and, as my student Louise would say, divine.
Cotelettes d’agneau au romarin / Lamb chops with rosemary
Purée de carottes / Carrot purée
Vegetable purées are served often in French cuisine — in restaurants and at home — and I will be adding many such recipes to this site as time goes on: cabbage, fennel, celery root, to name just a few of my favorites. Their simplicity complements the complexity of meat, but they are also delicious served on their own, with a salad on the side and some cheese to follow. If you would like to serve purées as a main dish, double the recipe.