Potimarron farci

Potimarron5I first tasted this dish in the home of Valérie Lapierre, a superlative cook. She and another friend, an artist, had concocted a fabulous meal but refused to say what the main course would be. And then they arrived bearing dinner plates, each with its own small stuffed pumpkin. The pumpkins’ caps were lifted. An amazing aroma escaped. Spoons were dipped in. Out came succulent baked pumpkin and a filling of mushrooms, onions and cheese. It was one of the best things I’ve ever tasted, and quintessentially French.

Potimarron farci / Stuffed pumpkin

This is the first installment of two special posts for Thanksgiving with a French/Mediterranean twist. It is an ideal main dish for vegetarians, hearty and festive, and also for anyone wishing to take some liberties while still sticking close to the Thanksgiving theme. (I can guarantee you that if you make this dish — which does take a little time — you will feel truly thankful when you taste it…) The second installment, on Tuesday, will be roast quail with pomegranate relish. In the meantime, happy cooking!

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